
Showing posts from February, 2014

Changing the Future through the Valuable Lessons from Difficult Life Experiences

I am in concurrence, that all experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time can become a source of valuable lessons for the future. This is probably in keeping with the old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” It tells us how we should approach difficult situations in our lives. We should welcome seemingly difficult life experiences, rather than abhorring them, as they can be sources of priceless life lessons. Keep in mind that even the sour-tasting lemons can be transformed into something delicious. Life lessons come from all our experiences, whether good or bad. Some lessons come in sweet packages and give us excitement and joy. However, the most life-changing experiences are often the toughest ones. These experiences may cause us to crumble and fall. They can become a source of pain and bitterness. However, we need to be willing to learn and grow and to face these tough experiences with an open heart and mind. Without the willingness to learn th...

Top 10 Countries with the Best Basic Education Access

A country with a well-educated and well-trained citizens show remarkable social and economic progress. The role of education in providing knowledge, skills and competencies is of prime significance in the landscape the present societies and economies. A good education, almost invariably, is a requisite for employment. Access to basic education is an indication that the government of each country prepares its citizens to meet the minimum standards set by the job market. 1. Canada, 65.0 The basic education system in Canada covers elementary, secondary and post-secondary. Provincial and territorial government generally govern the education system, so there are slight variation within each province and territory. In all Canadian provinces, education is provided for free for the entire 12-year duration of the basic education from elementary to post-secondary. Depending on the province, education is compulsory for students up to 18 years old. Most Canadian high school students...

Harnessing the Powers of Insurance as a Key Financial Tool

Life is full of uncertainties and risks. Some hazards can be prevented or at least minimized while some cannot be avoided or anticipated. In almost everything that we do, we face so many risks. None of us can predict what is going to occur in the future. You cannot predict when you might crash your car or come to discover that someone has broken into your home. What we do know is that accidents can happen. What you can do is protect yourself from potential financial losses when something goes wrong at some point in the future. It is important to know what are the risks involved, the effects of those risks, the potential costs of the risks and the ways to mitigate the risks. This idea is the basis of the insurance industry. We call the protection that we get, insurance. Basic Principles Although the entire insurance process may seem complicated, the basic principles of insurance are very straightforward. The insurance company, to a certain degree, assesses the likelihood o...

American Police Discovers New Use for GPS Technology

American police is now relying on GPS technology to ascertain the exact location of the suspect’s car without the need to risk their lives and the lives of civilians. Initially, it would look like something straight from a James Bond film, but new technology is developed wherein the GPS system is integrated into the bullet. The maturation of the GPS bullet is envisioned to make high-speed chases safer to police authorities. GPS bullets work by making a button located inside a police car. This would trigger a lid to pop up and release a bullet that will stick to the chased vehicle. Once the bullet connects to the suspect’s car, authorities can break off the chase as the suspect’s vehicle location can be identified in real time, through the central GPS command center. The entire police department has expressed keen interest in using the new GPS technology, as there is a clear operational future for the said technology. Dubbed as the Starchase, the system for GPS bullets is a...

Harnessing Emotional Intelligence for Leadership Success

Today’s business environment has become even more complex. Leaders need to face increasing time pressures, escalating demands for innovation and authority-adverse employees. More than ever, the leaders’ ability to effectively communicate and lead employees depends largely on how well they have personally mastered their emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence influences many different aspects of a person’s life. It influences the way people behave and interact with others. It  affects the ability understand, manage and positively use emotions to communicate effectively, relieve stress, overcome challenges, empathize with other and defuse conflict. As we all know, being smart is not an assurance for success. In fact, you must have known some academically brilliant people who are unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships. There are also people who are not as brilliant but have made very significant mark in their career. This confirms the belief that emotional...

Seven Cool Lessons from Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Coolest Man Who Ever Lived

Throughout his life, Ralph Waldo Emerson established himself as one of the most influential man of letters in America. He was a philosopher, essayist, poet, and lecturer. His most significant contribution to American letters stemmed from his tremendous influence to other thinkers and writers. Best remembered for leading the philosophical, literary, and social movement called Transcendentalism, Emerson influenced other writers by saturating his writing with the ideals of spiritual harmony in contrast to the dominance of material gain. He called for a national literature and has so influenced the likes of David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller and even influenced the brains of non-adherents such as Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville. Seven Crazy-Cool Lessons from Emerson What made Emerson the coolest person that has ever lived is his insistence that humans must live in the present, and have to trust their own impulses. This has helped other American writers to forge their identities d...