American Police Discovers New Use for GPS Technology

American police is now relying on GPS technology to ascertain the exact location of the suspect’s car without the need to risk their lives and the lives of civilians. Initially, it would look like something straight from a James Bond film, but new technology is developed wherein the GPS system is integrated into the bullet.
The maturation of the GPS bullet is envisioned to make high-speed chases safer to police authorities. GPS bullets work by making a button located inside a police car. This would trigger a lid to pop up and release a bullet that will stick to the chased vehicle.

Once the bullet connects to the suspect’s car, authorities can break off the chase as the suspect’s vehicle location can be identified in real time, through the central GPS command center.
The entire police department has expressed keen interest in using the new GPS technology, as there is a clear operational future for the said technology.
Dubbed as the Starchase, the system for GPS bullets is already at work in four US states that include Colorado, Iowa, Arizona, and Florida. The developers of this technology are now eyeing to bring the system into the United Kingdom.

However, this technology is quite costly as a single bullet cost $500 dollars and the entire system would require $5,000 to be installed in the patrol car.
It is hoped that with the massive utilization of GPS bullets in the near future, corresponding costs will significantly drop and make the system more affordable.

Earliest Uses of the GPS Technology
Originally, the Global Positioning System or GPS are designed to aid military navigation. From its humble beginning, the use of the GPS technology has become more widespread. The discovery of new applications for GPS technology has given more functionality to a number of industries. This is beyond its main function to receive satellite signals and determine position information.
Primarily, GPS technology is utilized to provide sets of coordinates based on the specific location of the GPS unit in relation to the elevation, longitude, and latitude of the planet. GPS is also used to determine the most accurate time.

The earliest application for the GPS technology is the simple tracking device. Tracking is useful because it enables the command tracking center to monitor the position of vehicles of people in real time. This encompasses the need to relay the information explicitly and quickly.

Concern for privacy
The ever-increasing connectivity of cars through the GPS system, however, raised questions about the privacy of drivers. Transport groups and vehicle owners renewed calls to effect the balance between convenience and safety, without affecting driver’s privacy.

The American Police Department was quick to address the privacy issues, saying that although the police knows everyone who breaks the law and what they are doing because of the car GPS, they maintain that the data are confidential and they do not supply the information to anyone.

Nonetheless, also pointed out the need to pause and evaluate to make sure that the GPS technology is not just use for technology’s sake, but to serve a purpose that will serve the common good of all American citizens. Other ways to track vehicles must be explored in order to avoid possible problems on civil liberties.


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