
Showing posts from March, 2014

Relevant Kidney Disease Facts and Stats

Kidney disease is one of the ten leading causes of death worldwide. Here are some kidney disease facts and stats that you might want to know. In the United States alone, recent data show that more than 30 million Americans have chronic kidney disease. Sadly, nine out of ten people who developed stage three chronic kidney disease or those having moderately decreased kidney functions are not aware of their condition. The leading cause of kidney failure is diabetes, which is attributed to about 39 percent of all kidney failure cases. Similarly, high blood pressure is linked to about 25 percent of the kidney failure cases diagnosed. Kidney disease is more prevalent among women, however; about 50 percent of men with chronic kidney disease are likely to develop kidney failure, also known as the end-stage renal disease.  E very year, about half a million Americans are treated for kidney stone problems. With the increasing number, it is estimated that during their lifetime, ab...

Build Your Own Manly Sanctuary by Renting a Storage Unit

It would seem that all men need a place of their own. A place where a man can be alone, and immerse himself into something he enjoys the most— an area where he is uninterrupted to help relieve the stresses of everyday life. This place is commonly known as a man cave. A man cave can be the basement, the garage, the shed out the back, an unused bathroom, an attic, or any space or room that is pretty much abandoned or unused. Compared to women, men generally benefit more from having privacy. Most men would want to have a private place that they can access anytime, and where they can come and go as they please. Men would want to be alone from time to time and spend a few hours to do their manly undertakings. Self-Storage Unit as an Option If you need a place of your own as a workshop, a practice space for your band or a place for your large toys such as boats, RVs, and vintage cars, creating a man cave is a viable option. When building a new home, some men integrate into the des...