Build Your Own Manly Sanctuary by Renting a Storage Unit

It would seem that all men need a place of their own. A place where a man can be alone, and immerse himself into something he enjoys the most— an area where he is uninterrupted to help relieve the stresses of everyday life. This place is commonly known as a man cave. A man cave can be the basement, the garage, the shed out the back, an unused bathroom, an attic, or any space or room that is pretty much abandoned or unused.
Compared to women, men generally benefit more from having privacy. Most men would want to have a private place that they can access anytime, and where they can come and go as they please. Men would want to be alone from time to time and spend a few hours to do their manly undertakings.

Self-Storage Unit as an Option
If you need a place of your own as a workshop, a practice space for your band or a place for your large toys such as boats, RVs, and vintage cars, creating a man cave is a viable option. When building a new home, some men integrate into the design a specific room solely for their manly activities and interests. Others convert or remodel an existing room or a garage to be their ultimate man cave.
If neither of these options will work for you, you may want to consider renting a self-storage unit of your own. On the surface, a self-storage unit would seem to be ideal only for the safekeeping of personal belongings. Beyond the basic storage, more and more facilities have now embraced the novel trend of allowing their tenants to convert the units into man caves. Storage facilities are now becoming popular as an exclusive place designed specifically for manly activities, or just a place to relax and hang out with friends.

Building Your Own Man Cave
If you are one of those men who do not have a masculine sanctuary at home, you may want to rent a self-storage unit. The best thing about modern self-storage facilities is that they are climate controlled and equipped with electrical outlets. This would allow you to dwell into your man cave more comfortably, while watching a movie, listening to your favorite music, or playing exciting video games with your friends. Some units are even large enough to accommodate your boats, vintage car collection, or you most valuable possessions.
Although the rules surrounding a storage unit for man caves can vary with each facility, here are some of the necessities you would need in your cave.
§  Monitor
A TV monitor is a good focal point of your man cave. Your man cave is an ideal place to watch your favorite sports or movies without interruption. A flat-screen monitor is ideal because it takes up much less space, so you can have more room for other gadgets such as an Xbox, a personal computer, an amp guitar, and other plug-ins.
§  Audio System
Your TV viewing experience can become even more exciting with a good audio and speaker system. Hooking up some stereo speakers as well as surround sound speakers can blow your hat off even more as you enjoy your favorite music at the solace of your man cave.

§  Seats
Depending on your space, you may opt for a couch or a recliner chair. If you plan to do a lot of napping, or if you are a lay-down TV watcher, a sofa is an excellent option. Adding a couple of recliners might be the way to go, if you want to invite friends around. Another excellent choice is to have a sofa sleeper so you can convert your man cave into a guest room for your buddies who are in town for the weekend.

§  Storage
You can use your man cave to store some tools or other random items or collections. Install a few shelves for your books or DVD collection or for other important items that you do not need immediate access to. If you have some sentimental collection, such as an old sports jersey from college, or a retired kayak paddle, you man cave is a good place to display such memorabilia.

§  Mini-Fridge
A man cave would not be complete without some bottles of cold beer around. Invest on a sturdy mini-fridge to keep you beers nice and cold, and share them with your friends with watching a thrilling football game.

Remember that a man’s cave is your cave. Therefore, you need to keep a steady stream of gadgets on hand to keep you or your guests entertained. Enjoy some solitude or spend many hours of jubilant experiences with your friends by finding an ideal place as your private manly sanctuary.


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